The theme for this week's Moving Pictures Monday is Shape. I decided my nesting matrioshka dolls would be the perfect subject.
For Texture Tuesday I tried something a little different. I just converted the color photo to sepia and tried to create the Daguerreotype-shiro effect using textures. It didn't quite turn out the way I wanted, but I was satisfied with the results of the textures.
Before textures
After textures
Before texures
After textures
Both of the above pictures were textured using the following Kim Klassen textures: Faved, Happy Heart, Wonderful Magic, and Pumpking Grunge. I also used the Define & Sharpen action by Texas Chicks, along with various other layers adjustments.
I couldn't help but post these last two photos. They are my favorite of the experimentation I did with the daguerreotype-shiro effect. I took these early Saturday morning before the sun had time to come out and dry the dew on the grass.