This is my "story" for Texture Tuesday. I moved to California twelve years ago from Michigan. I love it out here, but I have to admit, I miss the winter snow dearly. So When January comes around, my students and I create a winter wonderland in our classroom. I teach a class of third graders, and they get so excited with the project. We were going to write a poem that describes snowflakes, but many of my students have never seen snow. So I cut up some white computer paper into 1/4 inch squares, climbed up a ladder and let the kids watch as I tossed the "snowflakes" up in the air. They were so excited as the snowflakes danced and swirled and glided to the ground. Then I had them all gather around the ladder and I tossed the snowflakes up in the air above them. They were so cute! Their arms and hands went up in the air to catch them as they fell. It really looked as though it was the first time they had ever seen snow. When we were done, there was a huge mess on the floor. I let them get the shovel (broom) and scraper (dustpan) and clean up the snow. Some of the students gathered a handful and asked if they could take them home. I told them that I have a snowflake paper punch and I would punch them some snowflakes, and then on Friday we would recreate our snowfall with real snowflakes, and they could take them home. Dang, I'd better get busy! Oh, and their poems turned out lovely!
I borrowed a couple of snowmen from my students, to create a winter scene for a flickr group I belong to. I used Kim Klassen's Wonderful Magic Stars, Wonderful Magic, Annabelle (inverted), and Providence textures. The textures really helped to create the snowy look.